Quick Tips for Gutter Cleaning
Cleaning your gutters doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. With these tips and tricks, you can clean your gutters safely and feel great about it!
Tip #1 - Regular Check-Ups
No matter what type of gutter cover you may have it will still need regular cleaning. Check your gutters by autumn or after heavy rain for any potential clogs and clean them up as soon as possible.
Tip #2 - Gloves
Parts of the gutter may have sharp edges, so it isn't enough using your bare hands in picking up debris. Use gloves, particularly the thicker ones. Better to be safe than sorry!
Tip #3 - Face Mask
Cleaning gutters will involve a bit of brushing, washing, sweeping, and even spraying. Though it looks like nothing, but there’s a risk of inhaling molds and bacteria which may lead to allergic reactions or diseases. Wear a mask preferably one that covers the half of your face completely (nose, mouth and chin).
Tip #4 - Watch for Stingers
Take extra caution when cleaning your gutters. It also become a potential home of insects such as bees and wasps. They sting like hell, so be extra careful. Use pesticide or a repellent to keep them away or to exterminate them.
Tip #5 - Regular Cleanings
Usually, cleaning gutters are recommended to be done twice a year. However, just saving time for another cleaning will mean a lot. Try to clean your gutters more than twice a year to make sure you won’t have that much serious issues with your gutter system.
Tip #6 - Fascia Replacements and Repair
When making a fascia board replacement, take the time to check the rest of the fascia and not just a certain part. You might need to make a full replacement. Repaint it as well to make it look as good as new.
Tip #7 - Use a Steel Brush
When patching gutter holes, use a steel brush at the affected part to make sure that the adhesive or the caulk will stick. No matter how good the product is, it’ll not be effective if not used properly.
Tip #8 - Roof Safety
In cleaning gutters, especially when doing it from the roof -- don't just wear normal shoes. Do not hesitate to invest on work boots. They might cost more than the usual, but it's best to be safe and prevent accidents.
Tip #9 - Check Your Downspouts
When paying someone to clean your gutters, make it clear with them if they'll clean the downspouts as well. Some services don't include cleaning the downspouts -- a clean gutter isn't enough obviously. Better yet, when cleaning the gutters yourself, run some water in it all the way to the downspouts to check for potential clogs. Just in case there are, you can disassemble the downspout or use a plumbing snake to push the debris out. Hose down water once more to ensure it's all clear.
Tip #10 - Ladder Safety
Not confident to go up the ladder yet to do the gutter cleaning? Have a companion to support the ladder with you to make sure it’s firmly placed on the ground. It also saves time as you don't need to always go up and down.
Tip #11 - Check for Hidden Basement Leaks
If there are any leaks in your basement wall, look for any cracks outside. While preparing for a permanent fix, apply silicon caulk on the cracks to prevent further seepage.
Tip #12 - Drip Edges
Drip Edges help a lot in terms of preventing water to seep in easily to your shingles and inside your house. Don't hesitate to have them installed aside from your gutter system.
Tip #13 - Frozen Downspout
Frozen downspouts? A hair dryer is actually a quick fix for it, so don't hesitate to borrow one from your wife, daughter or sister. Then you can carefully thaw the ice with the screwdriver. You can sprinkle ice melt too.
Tip #14 - Sealing Vinyl Gutters
Don't seal vinyl gutters with caulk. They need "breathing space" for expanding and contracting.
Tip #15 - Points of Contact
As the experts say: always maintain three points of contact with the ladder when cleaning gutters. Three points of contact -- both of your feet and one hand or both of your hands and a foot.
Tip # 16 - Ladder Placement
A basic but important rule for ladders: For every 4ft of height that the ladder's going, the base should be a foot away from the side of the house. This ensures stable placement.
Tip # 17 - Nails and Caulk
When placing nails on the roof or shingles, make sure that you apply caulk. This prevents any leaks from starting.