When Will It End?
The question on so many people’s minds these days is, “When is this gonna end…is it ever going to end?” You might be wondering what it is that everyone is so anxious to be done with… It’s WINTER! It has been a long and cold one and we’re over it. We want spring…we want SPRING!

The warm n cozy idea of bundling up in a blanket by a fire with a nice cup of hot chocolate has long ago expired. We’ve had our fill of sledding. We’re tired of shoveling. And if I have to go wash the salt off of my car ONE more time this week, I might pull my hair out. The bottom line is it is time. It is time for the snow to melt and the temperature to rise. It is time for flowers to bloom and baby chicks to start hatching. It is time for parks to come alive with the laughter of children who have been so longing to play outside.
We want to open the windows in our homes to blow out the winter germs and bring in a renewed freshness to the air we breathe. We need to awaken our homes from this long winter. Maybe paint those shutters that you’ve wanted to paint for the last couple of years. Get out and plant new landscape to revitalize the look of your home.
Clean out those gutters that have also endured a rough winter. Think about installing gutter covers to make that job a little less intense in the future. We need to come out of the winter blues and head into the vibrancy of spring…it is time! Now how exactly do we go about getting this message to Mother Nature?!?